For as long as I can remember I have always loved works of non-fiction.  To this day I have little desire to read anything which is unrealistic, untrue, overly dramatic or romanticized, and without conflict or redemption.  Sure, there are great novels out there that I have read and I’m certain that there are others that I would love and that I can identify with.  In the end, however, these stories don’t truly capture my heart if they’re not true.  I need to be inspired!  I need to know that something is possible because there is factual testimony of something extraordinary occurring.  Non-fiction doesn’t limit my ability to dream or think outside of the box, and I don’t fully believe in the notion that “seeing is believing”.  I want to have the attitude of “expecting the best while prepared for the worst”.  When facing life’s obstacles, I would rather have faith and confidence that are guided by the truth, rather than the balls provoked by arrogance.

One of my most favorite books is the story of The Endurance.  I’m not sure whether this is at the top of my list because of its heroic story, or because of the theme of endurance.  Regardless, this 1914 expedition to the South Pole, led by Sir Ernest Shackleton, was deadly before things even went wrong.  Twenty-seven men aboard the ship “The Endurance”, became locked among ice flows just shy of reaching Antarctica.  The Endurance was eventually crushed by the flows and sunk, leaving the men stranded in an inhospitable and deadly environment.  By the end of the story, all of  the twenty-seven men survived the ten month ordeal by living on whale blubber while stranded and floating on icebergs.  They somehow had endured.  To this day, this is a well known story and lesson to polar sailors and explorers.  Endurance is a powerful word and is synonymous with “sustaining long suffering”.

The unfortunate truth is that we will experience periods of long suffering.   A great spiritual war is being waged on our behalf.   We can’t always see it, but it is constant.  The devil wants to devour and destroy us because we are truly a threat to him!  At certain points in our lives unpleasant surprises hit us like a ton of bricks.   Seemingly unexpected, our legs are taken out, every breath of energy is sucked from our lungs and we feel like we’re about to go down for the count.  We prepare to go down hard and we almost expect it.  Then it happens.  We are broken.  Nothing remaining except for the scattered pieces.  We then ask, “how did this happen, and why did this have to happen to me?”.

I consider this blog as my journey and my fight back against the powers of darkness.  But this journey isn’t truly about me.  This is ALL about Gods plan and his will over my life.  I am his instrument and I am anxious to see where I will be played.  So if God is truly in control, and he knew the beginning and the end before I was even born, then why should this fallen world be any surprise?  Lord, help me to grasp your perspective in everything I endure.

Like I said earlier, there is a war being raged!  During those times when we are “living the life”, and even when we may be asking “God, if you’re so powerful then why don’t you make this pain go away”, the angels are entangled and engaged with the enemy.  They are waging that war for both you and me.  The lines have been drawn and the swords are unsheathed.  In the meantime, however, I want to be prepared!  I want to know the truth! I don’t want to be moved by what I see!  I want to endure the test of faith not just for this moment, but for life. Having faith is trusting God through all of life’s victories, but more importantly, through all of life’s trials.  I need to keep my eyes on Him and I need your help!  I desire authentic fellowship.  I desire to live within a community of purpose, not a group of people seeking relationship for relationship’s sake!

Enough is enough!  This is my moment now!  I feel empowered by the Holy Spirit and I will be deliberate.  I ask you now to join me!  Come along side as I pursue the truth and seek inspiration and motivation to stand this ground.  Be real.  Remind me how no one said it would be easy.  Teach me not to be moved by anything I see.  Invigorate that spirit that lives within me and show me how to fully appreciate the grace that has been extended to all of us.