Saving Private Ryan – Who would I like to be?

Which character would you like to be in Saving Private Ryan?  Why would you like to be that character?  I would love to be Jackson, but I would hate to me Upham!  Jackson is bold, decisive, courageous and looks to His master for his strength.  He faces everything head on and doesn’t hesitate for even a moment.  Ultimately, we love his character because of his heroic acts.  Upham on the other hand is a good man, but in the end I don’t want just that written on my tombstone.

Gladiator vs Ephesians 6: 10-20

The bible warns us about the power of the devil, and Ephesians provides insight as to how to take our stand against him.  We were born into a world at war, God is a warrior and we must be prepared.

How Will You Respond When Your Dreams are Challenged?

How has God directed your life?  Has it been in line with your dreams and ambitions?  If not, the full story may not fully be revealed.  In The Natural, Roy Hobbs had always had a dream until one day when he was wrongly sentenced to prison for murder.  Years later, he finds himself playing baseball again, but this time he’s older, he has wounds, and he’s a part of the worst team in the league.  In the end of the movie he is once again tested.  His response is clearly focused and although he is afraid and fearful, his pursuit is head on and he remains unmoved.

For Those Who Wait

There’s always the challenge of waiting for God’s timing when you are amidst pursuing your dream.  Ultimately, it’s in His hands and it’s His plan and there’s no getting around it.  The good news is that our God is one of redemption and he has our best interest.  In fact, His plans may be even larger than we comprehended.  Attached is a video by Fireflight titled For Those Who Wait.  I love stories such as this because it’s a good reminder that we shouldn’t question whether or not hardships will come, rather, the question should be “how will you respond WHEN hardships come”?  Once again it’s about ENDURING the test of faith.

The pressure makes us stronger
The struggle makes us hunger
The hard lessons make the difference
And the difference makes it worth it.

My Passion

I have always loved listening to U2.  Until the End of the World, has always been one of my favorites, but upon seeing this video it has moved to my number one for sure.  If you haven’t heard the song before, or even if you have but don’t know the full meaning behind it, you’ve got to see how it shows the conversation that Judas has with Jesus.  The video footage that you see is from The Passion of the Christ.  Enjoy!

The Birthday Party.

So what kind of church did Christ want us to create and how does he want us to live?  Watch the video and tell me what you think!  I think we all have this kind of heart!  Sometimes, however, I don’t think that I live it out and I don’t think that I embrace the mercy that God has extended to me.  Tony Campolo is right…it’s not enough to go and give bread and clothes, we need to engage and bring joy and truth into their lives!